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This is Still the Beginning

I hear the statistics. I see the pictures. I watch the videos. I read the blogs and news articles. I don't get it? What went wrong?

… Oh, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit… and birthed sin…

"The LORD has told you, human, what is good; He has told you what He wants from you: to do what is right to other people, love being kind to others, and live humbly, obeying your God." Micah 6:8

I wish they hadn't eaten it… We'd all be in Eden with God right now… there wouldn't be fathers leaving their families… people wouldn't be hungry… there wouldn't be war… children wouldn't be living on the streets… or sniffing glue to go numb… women and girls wouldn't be taken and forced into sex slavery… demons wouldn't be dwelling in and controlling people… others wouldn't be stealing… Christ followers wouldn't be imprisoned or martyred… there wouldn't be homeless… we wouldn't be surrounded by injustice…

Everything would be perfect. Literally…

"This is what the LORD says: 'Give justice to all people, and do what is right, because My salvation will come to you soon. Soon everyone will know that I do what is right.'" Isaiah 56:1

It's been bubbling in me for a while. I can't keep it in any longer. I could scream, but I open my mouth, and nothing comes. Nothing. So the best I can do is cry out to God in prayer, begging Him to bring change, begging Him to use me and move me, begging Him to raise up many generations who will not stand for the injustice of this world and will move in His name to bring the Kingdom to earth.

"But before people can ask the Lord for help, they must believe in Him; and before they can believe in Him, they must hear about Him; and for them to hear about the Lord, someone must tell them; and before someone can go and tell them, that person must be sent. It is written, 'How beautiful is the person who comes to bring good news.'" Romans 10:14-15

I want to bring Kingdom to earth. I want to fight injustice. I want to adopt. I want to teach people an honorable work. I want to actively love those in poverty. I want to tell others of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. I want to give people food, gardens, and clean water. I want to give the homeless a secure shelter/home. I want Jesus to cast out demons through me. I honestly want to change the world.

So guess what, that's what I'm determined to do.

Immersion is still the beginning for me. There is so MUCH that I'm going to do and learn in the coming year that is just going to push me into this life of changing the world in Jesus name. I'm just getting started, and Immersion is going to get me going faster, and once I get going there's nothing that will stop me. Not even death, because when I go to heaven, I'm going to leave a long lasting huge impacting legacy.

I'm going to change the world. Correction: God is going to change the world through me.

Update: Remember last week when I said the dates for my payments/deposits changed, well that was a fluke and only the 2nd date changed! So I'm back to my original dates, minus the second payment/deposit. I have raised $3,848 and still need $2,152 by June 21st.

Prayer: Please pray for me and my team of 44 as we raise money for Immersion. We are all having trouble raising support, and at times become discourage. Please pray that the money comes in, but most of all that we are able to keep joy, stay encouraged, continue trusting the Lord, and don't forget that God is a good Daddy who provides all the needs of His children. Please also pray for the nations will will travel to, that their hearts will be prepared, and will be open to us and Jesus.