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My Backward Faith = Destroyed

So this past week I have been quite grumpy. If you haven't noticed it's probably because you haven't been around me long enough, and at times I can be a very good actress and pretend that everything is just dandy. Anyway, I've been grumpy and I'm pretty sure that it's a combonation of a few things, but the big this is I've allowed my faith to be backwards when it comes to this Immersion trip I'm taking in September.
Let me explain by taking an entry from my journal:

So I haven't been diligently fundraising like I should in order to go on Immersion. I think it's because I'm not so sure I actually want to go on Immersion…
This is bad faith… I've been thinking and praying "God if You give me the money for this trip then I'll be sure I'm called on this trip."
This is backward faith…

Hebrews 11:1 (NCV) "Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowlege that something is real even if we do not see it."

So shortly after writing that I took the time to search my heart, in hopes to change my attitude about fundraising, and to flip my faith back right. I'm please to let you know that I am going on Immersion in September, and I believe that God will give me all of the money because of the calling He has placed on my heart (I can hear my parents breath a sigh of relief right about now… we've put a lot of money into a pack, sleepingbag, traveling bed, etc. for this trip…).

Update: Friday I received an e-mail from Stacy (an awesome woman at AIM, can't wait to see her again in July). She told me that my payment deadlines have CHANGED. I need $6,000 by June 13th, a week sooner than what I originally said. I already have some of that money, so I need about $2,900 more in the next 25-ish days! Will you please help me? Please click the "Support Me!" tab at the top of the page.